interested in joining the Young Artists Academy?

Interested in booking the YAA Performance ensemble?


Join us April 17th at 6:30pm for an informational meeting about our Young Artists Academy (YAA) and Synergy programs for the upcoming season.

About Our Programs

Young Artists Academy (YAA): Designed for dancers ready to train at an advanced level through personalized mentorship and diverse performance opportunities.
Divisions: Pre-Academy (5–8) | Premier (8–11) | Stellar (10–13) | Elite (13+)

Synergy: A step up for students eager to deepen their training without the full commitment of YAA.
Divisions: Synergy I (5–8) | Synergy II (8–11) | Synergy III (11+)

Interested in joining our YAA & Synergy programs? Audition is required

RSVP HERE - Ages 5-7: 1:30-3:00pm
RSVP HERE- Ages 8-11: 3:15-4:45pm
RSVP HERE- Ages 12+: 5:00-6:15pm


The Young Artists Academy is a training program for dancers that are interested in making a full time commitment. An audition is required for initial entrance into the program.

Our goal for the YAA is to produce strong, technically sound dancers as well as well-rounded artists. Students chosen for this program must have a positive attitude and be dedicated to their training. YAA students have a set curriculum with different class requirements for each level. Evaluations are held in June at the end of each season in order to determine if the student will be able to remain in the YAA.


For students ages 5-7, the Pre-Academy serves as an introduction to the YAA program that focuses on establishing a strong foundation in preparation for the demand of the YAA.  Students selected for this program must audition to join the YAA when they become of age. 


  • 4 classes per week (Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop)  

  • Must participate in the Holiday and Spring Concert 

  • Must participate in NAOD Summer Intensive

YAA Divisions 

For students ages 8-18, the YAA is divided into three levels: Premier, Stellar, and Elite (Elite being our most advanced students). Students are placed on the level best suited for their technical and artistic development.  


  • YAA Premier: 6 classes per week ( 2 Ballet, 1 Tap, 1 Jazz, 1 Contemporary, 1 Hip Hop) 

  • YAA Stellar/Elite: 7 classes per week ( 2 Ballet, 1 Tap, 1 Jazz, 1 Contemporary, 1 Hip Hop, 1 Conditioning; Elective: Pointe) 

  • In-Studio Workshop Classes

  • Must Participate in the Holiday and Spring Concert 

  • Must Participate in a NAOD Summer Intensive (Outside intensives are encouraged for ages 10+; intensives can not conflict with NAOD Requirements)

YAA Ensemble

Artists in the YAA Performance Ensemble are the ambassadors of Norma’s Academy of Dance. These students participate in community outreach performances as well as dance competitions throughout the year. Students chosen to be in the YAA must be a member of the YAA. However all YAA students are not guaranteed to be selected to join the YAA Performance ensemble; it is by invitation only.   The YAA Ensemble divisions are YAA II (Ages 5-7), YAA Premier (Ages 8-11), and YAA Stellar/Elite (Ages 12+).


  • 4-7 classes per week based on level

  • Additional Weekly Rehearsals

  • Must Participate in the Holiday Concert (December), YAA Concert (May), and Spring Concert (June) 

  • Must Participate in NAOD Summer Intensive (Outside intensives are encouraged for ages 10+; intensives can not conflict with NAOD Requirements)

  • Must participate in Choreography Bootcamp

  • 1-3 Conventions per year

  • 2-3 Competitions per year

  • Workshop Classes

  • Community Outreach Performances 

Previous Performances Include: 

  • 2020 IABD Conference in Philadelphia, PA

  • March of Dimes M-BAN National Summit

  • Georgia Festival of Trees 

  • Fairburn Fridays on Mainstreet 

  • Dance Athens 

  • Clayton County Fall Festival 

  • Black History Programs

YAA Performance Ensemble

Stellar/Elite Students