Tuition Structure
Tuition is based on an entire season of dance (August-June) with 35 classes per season. Our season runs from August 5, 2024 - June 7, 2025.
If you enroll mid season, we will prorate your tuition based on when you begin dancing with us.
Yearly tuition fees are broken down into 10 monthly installments (August-May) charged to the card on file on the first of each month.
Tuition is non-refundable and it is not based on the number of classes in a month or on student’s attendance in their classes.
You are not paying for scheduled calendar holidays. Our calendar is based on the Fulton County & Fayette County School Systems.
We do not offer make-up classes for classes missed for illness, personal commitment, school obligations, etc.
Payment Policies
Initial Payment: At the time of registration, the annual registration fee of $40 (1st student in family)/$25 (each additional student in family) plus the first monthly installment are due to secure your student’s space in class. Upon registering, our system will immediately process your registration fee. Our administrative team will then review your registration and process the remaining tuition balance to the card on file within 24 hours. This payment is non-refundable. If we are unable to process the payment, your student will be dropped from their enrolled class(es). We cannot hold a student's space in class without payment.
Registration Fee: The 2024-2025 registration fee is valid through June 7, 2025.
Monthly Installments: All accounts will be automatically charged on the 1st of the month towards tuition, Aug-May.
Payment Methods: We accept the following methods of payments: credit/debit card payments via parent portal and automatic payments (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express). No Cash or Checks. In order to register your dancer, a valid form of payment must be linked to your DSP Parent Portal account.
Tuition Late Fee: If your card on file is declined, an alternate payment must be made within 48 hours. A $20 late fee will be assessed for any payments not made in full by the 5th of the month. This includes declined charges for cards on file for any reason. Payment must be received by the 10th of the month in order for your student to attend class. If your account becomes past due, your dancer will not be permitted to attend class until your balance is paid in full.
Payment Processing: All monthly tuition payments, registration fees, concert fees, and concert balances will be auto-drafted to the card on file. You will be emailed a receipt after each transaction is auto-drafted.
Accounts: You will NOT receive monthly billing statements or invoices. You are responsible for staying up to date with your account balances via the parent portal.
Annual Tuition: You may pay the entire season in full or pay it in monthly installments. If you opt to pay the entire season in full prior to August 5 2024, you will receive a 10% discount. Please note: If you choose to pay your dancer’s tuition for the full year and then withdraw from classes for any reason (loss of interest, school obligations, injury, illness, etc), a 30% penalty will be applied to your refund for the remainder of the year. We recommend only paying for the year in full if you are 100% confident your dancer will participate fully in the entire season. If for any reason we provide a tuition discount during one or more months of the season, this discount will not apply to prepayments. No further discounts are available.
Refund Policy
There are no refunds given for annual registration fee, tuition, costumes, concert fees or any acts of God including but not limited to, pandemics, natural disasters, etc.
There are no refunds given for missed classes due to weather closings, illness or personal commitments, etc.
Cancellation Policy
Norma's Academy of Dance reserves the right to make adjustments to our scheduled classes and/or cancel any class not meeting minimum enrollment requirements. In such cases, we will place your dancer into an appropriate alternative class.
Withdrawal Policy
To withdraw from Norma’s Academy of Dance, you must submit a withdrawal form online via Google Form linked HERE or on our website. Withdrawal forms must be submitted by the 15th of the month prior to the next tuition billing cycle on the 1st of the month.
This notification is required to properly adjust your account and cancel billing for the following month. If notice is not given, your account will continue to be billed and you will be responsible for the charges.
Norma’s Academy of Dance does not accept verbal withdrawals from any classes.
Please note that accounts cannot be placed on hold. If an injury prevents your dancer from taking class, they are encouraged to attend in person to observe.
We can not hold a student’s space in class without monthly tuition payment. Therefore, if we do not receive payment and no notice of withdrawal is received, your student will be dropped from class and you must re-register for the following session.
If you are unable to attend a class due to illness, injury, personal commitment, school obligations etc, please submit absences under attendance in the DSP Parent Portal. Tuition will NOT be prorated or adjusted in any way due to absences.
Dress Code
Proper shoes and attire are mandatory to participate in class. Attire will be strictly enforced. Hair should be pulled back off the face for all classes. Dress codes are the responsibility of the student and parent. Hair MUST be secured in a bun or pulled back off of the student's face –NO beads, underwear (with leotard & tights), jewelry, or hair barrettes. Beads are dangerous, noisy, and distracting to the students. Do not forget to write your student’s name in all shoes, bags, etc
Performance Opportunities: Holiday & Annual Concert
2025 Spring Concert (June 7): Participation in the Spring concert is automatically assumed, as all classes are assigned to the concert. If your dancer will not be participating, you are required to notify us by filling out the opt-out form no later than November 11, 2024. Please do not rely on your dancer to inform us that they will not be participating in the concert as this will not be accepted. Participation is required for YAA & Synergy Members.
2024 Holiday Concert (December 21): Our Holiday concert is an additional performance opportunity for our SOAR & Enrichment students that is highly encouraged. Participation allows you to track your child’s progress throughout the year. To participate in the concert, families must opt-in by completing the provided form by September 16th. Payment will be processed upon completion of the form. Participation is required for YAA & Synergy Members.
Concert & Costume Fees
Spring Concert Fee Bundle (June 2025): The $240 concert fee bundle includes the participation fee, one costume, one commemorative t-shirt, one participation trophy, and one video download of the show. This fee does NOT include tickets to the shows.
Spring Concert Additional Costumes (June 2025): Additional costumes are $65 each for ages 5-7 and $70 each for ages 7 and up. This is for students who take more than one class per week.
Holiday Concert Fees: Details on holiday concert & costume fees will be communicated by August 2024.
Refund Policy: All concert and costume fees are non-refundable. This policy applies even if payment is processed because the opt-out form was not completed by the specified deadline. If you do not submit the opt-out form by the required due date, we will assume that your student is participating, and you will be responsible for the associated fees. By submitting payment, you confirm that your student is participating in the performance. Once payment is processed, if you later decide to withdraw your student's participation, there will be no refunds or credits issued to your account. However, if you withdraw after payment, you will receive all items in the concert bundle including costumes, the concert t-shirt, and participation trophy. These items will be available for pickup during the first week of June, as they are ordered in advance.
Release of Liability
I hereby acknowledge and understand that dance can be a strenuous activity. I agree to assume full responsibility for any risk of injury, illness, and loss of, damage to, or theft of personal property which may incur as a result of participating in any class or activity offered by Norma’s Academy of Dance, on the premises or at any venue where we participate as representatives of NAOD. I hereby release and agree to hold harmless Norma’s Academy of Dance, its owners, operators, employees and instructors from any and all liability whatsoever for any and all damages, losses or injuries, including death, I may sustain to my person or property or both, including but not limited to any claims, demands, actions, causes of action, expenses, and costs, including attorney fees, which may arise out of, result from or in connection in any manner with the participation classes taken physically at the Norma’s Academy of Dance studio premises. I agree that this consent and assumption of risk statement covers each and every event or activity sponsored by Norma's Academy of Dance. I acknowledge that I have carefully read this Waiver and Release and fully understand that it is a release of liability.
Medical Release
As the legal parent or guardian, I give permission to Norma's Academy of Dance, its owners, and operators to seek medical treatment for the participant in the event that they are not able to reach a parent/guardian or emergency contact. NAOD will not be responsible for the cost of any medical care or treatments. I hereby waive all claims whatsoever in connection with such medical treatments.
By signing this agreement, I acknowledge the contagious nature of COVID-19 and voluntarily assume the risk that my child(ren) and I may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 by attending Norma’s Academy of Dance and that such exposure or infection may result in personal injury, illness, permanent disability, and death. By signing this agreement, I agree that my child and any accompanying persons will not enter Norma’s Academy of Dance if we exhibit any symptoms of COVID-19.
Photo & Video Release:
I hereby grant Norma’s Academy of Dance permission to use my child's photograph/video for promotional purposes and/or social media and Norma’s Academy of Dance’s website. I understand that if I DO NOT want images of my child used, I will indicate this in writing and the signed letter will be emailed or given to the studio in a physical form.
Bright from the Start Exemption
Norma's Academy of Dance is not a licensed child care facility. Norma's Academy of Dance is not required to be licensed by the Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning. Norma's Academy of Dance is exempt from state licensure requirements.
Misconduct & Parent/Teacher Conferences
Unsportsmanlike conduct from the students and parents will NOT be tolerated. If there is an infraction, the director of the Academy reserves the right to ask the parent to withdraw from the studio. Parents having any concerns with any of your child's instructors or class activity must contact the office to make an appointment for a conference. Please do not broach your concerns in the hallways or during normal class times, as this is not the proper time or manner to discuss. Norma’s Academy of Dance has a zero-tolerance bullying and cyberbullying policy. If a student is involved in an instance of bullying, the parent will be notified immediately and asked to schedule a conference with the director. Bullying and cyberbullying are grounds for dismissal from Norma’s Academy of Dance.
Class Placement & Level Advancement
SOAR & Enrichment Programs
Initial class placement is based on age. If a student has never had dance before, they are assigned to the lower age level class. For example, a 4-year-old beginner would be placed in the age 3-4 class rather than the age 4-5 class. While age is used as a preliminary guide for placing students in class, students are assessed on their technical progress to determine the proper class for their skillset. Students are evaluated based on their execution of the skills covered in each level or areas of focus. Promotions are sent out in December and May.We ask that all parents trust and respect the expertise of our staff.
YAA Program
YAA Placement is based on technical and artistic skill rather than age. Students are evaluated by their instructors throughout the year and assessed on their technical progress. Advancement is based on mastery of skills/technique within each level (most students will spend 1-2 years in each level). A dancer might continue in a level for a 2nd year while also taking the next level simultaneously. Each member of the YAA will be evaluated by their instructors in June in order to determine whether or not they will continue in the program and to determine their placement for the upcoming season. We ask that all parents trust and respect the expertise of our staff.
Calendar & Studio Closings
We generally follow the Fulton County & Fayette County School calendars. However, we do not follow all of the school holiday closings. You are not paying for scheduled calendar holidays. All classes meet 35 times per year including additional rehearsals for concerts. Notification of closings due to situations beyond the control of management or inclement weather will be provided via email, studio social media platforms (Facebook & Instagram), and studio website.
August 5 First Day of Classes
August 22 CLOSED- Admin/Artist Development
August 31- September 2 CLOSED- Labor Day Holiday
September 3-4 CLOSED- Admin/Artist Development
October 14-17 CLOSED- Fall Break
October 15 Registration Cut Off
October 31 CLOSED- Halloween
November 5 CLOSED- Election Day
November 15 Spring Concert Fee Bundle Due
November 23-30 CLOSED- Thanksgiving Break
December 21- Holiday Concert
December 22- January 4 CLOSED - Winter Holidays
January 6 Classes Resume
January 15 CLOSED - Admin/Artist Development
January 20 CLOSED- MLK Day
February 14 Additional Spring Concert Costume Fees Due
February 17-21 CLOSED- Winter Break
March 4 CLOSED- Admin/Artist Development
March 14 Registration Cutoff
March 19 CLOSED- Admin/Artist Development
April 7-12 CLOSED - Spring Break
April 18 CLOSED - Good Friday
May 22-26 CLOSED- Memorial Day
June 7 Annual Spring Concert